Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The essay tells about the author’s appreciation to God through nature. His concept about God in a manner of hearing nature as it speaks to him. His acknowledgement about God in his own different way. He had his own doctrine, as express in the essay, on knowing God.
         Jonathan Edwards  time of birth was in the period wherein religion experienced dead period. Great Awakening appeared as a saviour for the deadening substance. The organization aroused the religious spirit of the greater part of New England. Edward’s preaching was very largely instrumental in its first vivid success.
         The essay serve as reminder and a doctrine to people in order to return to God and to do good deeds ( I say to do good deeds because the act of leaving from a religion is not a good attitude). It taught people that what they dwelt and live with is nature and God is nature or He is in nature. It gave an insight to the people that God is everywhere and He is the one responsible for our lives and in everything that we do and that we should not leave Him behind but we should acknowledge, praise and adore or be thankful that He made us and inherit what we have.
            He is the one whom the people lived for and that people should look on to Him.
           God is good, mighty and responsible for our lives. He is supreme and he knows every detail that happens to us. He is as great as a thunderstorm that people are in His hands and he can do anything what he wanted the people will do – He can even manipulate us or even kill us.

Rebecca Rodriguez
Web Rank Solution

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